Department - Author 1

Journalism Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Journalism



Primary Advisor

Kirk Sturm


This senior project creates research design parameters that will facilitate two- way communications between the California Air National Guard and its airmen. The benefits of conducting its research are twofold. First, the California Air National Guard can learn more about its airmen. Second, the California Air National Guard can use information about its airmen to better serve its external publics in future public relations and marketing endeavors.

This project addresses the importance of conducting two- way communication between internal and external publics (in this case, the California Air National Guard and its airmen and the California Air National Guard and their future external publics). This project includes a literature review on existing studies in the areas of internal and external communications, survey writing for select publics, and using surveys as a research tool. This project also presents the survey in its entirety, materials related to the survey and explanations of why survey questions and scoring systems were chosen. Finally, this projects specifies how the survey accomplishes two- way communication goals for the California National Guard and its publics.
