
The paper describes the design for manufacturability of a prototype product as part of a manufacturing engineering capstone course. The product chosen was a vertically launched unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)—the “Flying Eye.” The Flying Eye is an autonomous parafoil surveillance platform quipped with sensors, controllers, mechanical components, and software. Once the autonomous UAV is deployed, it is designed to follow a predetermined flight path down to the ground. The design effort of the prototype device took place over a three-year period as a collaborative effort between the Aerospace Engineering and Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering departments at California Polytechnic State University. This project proved to be an excellent tool for the “project-based learning environment,” which is the focus of Cal Poly’s hands-on engineering programs. Details of the Flying Eye project and lessons learned during the course of this educational experience are provided.


Industrial Engineering | Manufacturing



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/ime_fac/1