College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Graphic Communication Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Graphic Communication



Primary Advisor

Ruoxi Ma, College of Liberal Arts, Graphic Communication Department


Wineries produce thousands of wines that are individually altered by each growing season and conditions that Mother Nature presents, which vary year-by-year. From increased rainfall and fog conditions, to soil composition and vineyard proximity to the ocean, there are countless factors that go into each bottle’s unique taste and aroma. In order for consumers to understand the details of their wine they must know what aromas, growing conditions, and notes go into each bottle, hence the importance of having readily accessible “tech-sheets.”

For my senior project, I chose to revamp the informational tech sheets at Tolosa Winery during an 8-month marketing internship that I had in 2021. I utilized my graphic design and layout knowledge from Cal Poly’s GrC program to create visually appealing and engaging tech sheets that can be understood by a wide variety of people with all levels of understanding about the wine industry, while collaborating with various individuals within the wine industry to ensure that I am including all necessary information.
