The Forum: Journal of History
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2009)
Full Issue
The Forum, Vol. 1, Issue 1
Cal Poly History Department
Prefatory Notes
Editor's Note
Katrina Chludzinkski
Research Papers
Travelogue Writers in the Age of Inquiry: Law, Orientalism, and Enlightenment Ideology in Southeast Asia
Keith Goodwin
Japanese Cultural Transition: Meiji Architecture and the Effect of Cross-cultural Exchange with the West
Christine M. Visita
The Fear of Colonial Miscegenation in the British Colonies of Southeast Asia
Katrina Chludzinski
"Seeking and Holding": Afrocentric Liberation in the Antebellum South
Danielle R. Johnson
"Our Testament to Democracy": The Deception of Japanese American Internment in World War II
Laura Sorvetti
Death and the Industrial Grunt: Sentiments of the American Textile Worker From 1901-1935
Trevor Walker
Book Reviews
Review of The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon
Justin G. McCollum

- Co-Editors-in-Chief
- Katrina Chludzinski
- Keith Goodwin
- Faculty Advisor
- Dr. Thomas Trice