College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Electrical Engineering
Primary Advisor
Jason Poon, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department
This project aims to create a system to facilitate easier evaluation of PCBs designed for low-voltage vehicle applications with an emphasis on accessibility for student teams in collegiate design series' such as Formula SAE. Student teams or smaller vehicle electronics manufacturers often need to verify designs and validate functionality during both development and manufacturing. An inexpensive, small, and portable, yet capable, system for taking measurements and simulating inputs would allow designers to put their boards into vehicle-representative conditions and environments without needing to connect to actual vehicle hardware. Additionally, while systems exist off-the-shelf that could fulfill the requirements needed by engineers, a more specifically oriented, open-source design would increase the accessibility for groups with less monetary capital, or for those who want to add their own custom devices into an existing system.