College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Electrical Engineering
Primary Advisor
Joseph Callenes-Sloan, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department
Additional Advisors
Andrew Danowitz, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department; Paul Hummel, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department
Recent advancements in quantum computing bring the weaknesses in modern RSA encryption to the foreground. Shor's algorithm, though not implementable on today's quantum computers, shows that RSA asymmetric key encryption is not secure for the coming future. This flaw in the security has prompted the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to start a search for a new post-quantum encryption algorithm that will be resistant to future quantum computers. There are several implementations of preforming this encryption scheme. One promising technique is using lattices in an application called ring Learning with Errors (rLWE). Several algorithms have been submitted to NIST for post-quantum encryption. This paper covers the speed differences of different implementations of rLWE algorithms that have made it past the NIST round two post-quantum submissions on a desktop processor and an embedded system.