College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Electrical Engineering
College - Author 2
College of Engineering
Department - Author 2
Computer Science Department
Degree - Author 2
BS in Software Engineering
Primary Advisor
Bryan James Mealy, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department
The Portable High-definition Audio Spectrum Analyzer (PHASA) allows the user to visualize the audio frequency spectrum of an incoming line-level stereo audio signal. Upon pressing the touch screen spectrum graph, the PHASA displays the corresponding frequency and volume levels as well as crosshairs at the touched location. The PHASA features multiple left/right channel display modes— Left channel only, right channel only, both channels simultaneously, and the average between the two channels. The PHASA features multiple resolution display modes (standard-resolution and high-resolution) and multiple dynamics display modes (standard dynamics, averaging, and peak/hold). The PHASA accepts input audio via a 1/4" TRS jack and outputs via a 1/4" TRS jack. When activated, the output jack outputs a stereo white noise signal for measuring the frequency response of external equipment. This capability makes the PHASA a useful tool for frequency response characterization of audio equipment, which allows for more informed audio engineering design decisions.
Included in
Hardware Systems Commons, Other Computer Engineering Commons, Other Electrical and Computer Engineering Commons, Signal Processing Commons, VLSI and Circuits, Embedded and Hardware Systems Commons