College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Computer Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Computer Science

College - Author 2

College of Engineering

Department - Author 2

Computer Science Department

Degree - Author 2

BS in Computer Science



Primary Advisor

Michael L. Haungs, College of Engineering, Computer Science and Software Engineering Department


We live in the Age of Information & Technology where social media has become an integral part of our society. Social media platforms such as Facebook help bring people and ideas together in one place. However, currently there is no centralized hub on the internet that is geared towards individual college campuses. Our goal is to create an environment that promotes structured and productive discussion between students, alumni, and staff. A platform like ours is needed to bring a campus closer if the community is willing and able to help one another.

There are other platforms that focus on social media as a place for communities to grow and help one another. Good examples include and Reddit however has a much larger scope in terms of the audience that they reach and Piazza is solely focused on bringing a single classroom together for discussions and problem solving.

Our platform aims to build an online community for college campuses, starting with Cal Poly. We believe in the power of crowd sourcing and if we get this platform in the hands of most Cal Poly’s students and staff it will blossom into a thriving organic community that is focused on getting students the answers they need while providing a sense of belonging to everyone. Since our project is heavily focused on making an environment that promotes user interaction we spent a large portion of our time on iterative user-testing to insure that our website is intuitive and fun to use.
