College - Author 1
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Department - Author 1
Construction Management Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Construction Management
Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Paul Redden, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department
This paper examines the execution of an international service project involving the construction of a complex system. It explores three distinct approaches assuming a fully designed system: building the system in the U.S. and shipping it internationally, having system pieces constructed entirely in the destination country prior to arrival for assembly, and developing a prototype in the U.S. followed by the construction of a full-scale system in the international country. Each method presents unique advantages and challenges. Building in the U.S. ensures high quality, advanced technology, and meeting tolerances, however, leads to significant fees, shipping costs, and logistical complications. Constructing in the host country can be cost-effective and foster local engagement but may face quality control and resource availability issues. The hybrid approach of prototyping in the U.S. and scaling up internationally combines the strengths of both methods but requires extensive coordination and may encounter compatibility problems. Depending on the relationship with your international contact and the complexity of the system, any method can be the best choice for your project. This analysis aims to guide decision-making in international project execution, emphasizing efficiency, cost, and community impact.
Poster Board
Untitled (36 x 24 in) (1).pdf (6557 kB)
Poster Board
SKM_C30824060606530.pdf (385 kB)
CM 462 Reflection Paper.pdf (39 kB)