College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Barry Jones, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


This report highlights the benefits and detriments of pervious pavement systems through research of existing knowledge and multifaceted experiments to determine the feasibility of implementing a pervious pavement system on high traffic roadways. With over 40,000 miles of highway in the United States alone and severe water crises in states like California and growing environmental and safety concerns, the need for pervious pavements is abundantly clear. The research conducted utilizes existing knowledge on pervious pavements and applies it to the application of high traffic roadways. The experiment tests four different pervious concrete mix designs to determine compressive strength and water infiltration rates. This report ultimately concludes that pervious pavement systems can be used for high traffic roadways in open areas, where water can drain from the reservoir layer without the need for auxiliary drainage. Modifying infrastructure in urban areas that would require an auxiliary drainage means is not cost effective or practical. The experiment found that the mix designs tested could not structurally support highway level traffic; however with modifications to the experiment a suitable mix could be achieved. The experiment showed that the flow rate through all four mix designs was adequate to serve as a pervious pavement.
