College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Daniel Knight, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


The Paso Robles Police Department has a shooting range about ten minutes from their station next to the Paso Robles Regional Airfield. They have owned the property for years, making numerous improvements to the land and infrastructure to make it more conducive to shooting, much of the work has been done by other past Cal Poly students as well. With Paso Robles geographical location, it is regularly a windy place where the average high during the summer months is almost 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Naturally when spending hours shooting, shade breaks are needed which is where the necessity of a shade structure comes in, where the officers can relax, clean guns, take a lunch break or whatever they may need. The construction of the project was only part of the whole timeline and what needed to be done, as one knows preconstruction regularly needs a large allotment of time to be performed thoroughly. Lots of planning and preparation was required to perform this project efficiently and to make sure standard means and methods were used, but there were also different things that needed to be done to ensure the shade structure was going to hold up and be completed efficiently.

Senior Project Poster.pdf (2748 kB)
Poster Board
