College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Eric Brinkman, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


The success of construction firms and the health of the U.S. economy have always been interdependent. Recessions continually set back the construction industry in terms of growth, production, layoff rates, profit, and cause a high number of firms to go out of business. No other sector in construction feels the painful effects of a recession more than the residential side. This research aimed to produce a playbook of steps a residential builder should take to come out of a recession successfully. In order to create this playbook residential professionals who have experienced recessions in the past and pulled their companies out of it with success were interviewed to learn about their experiences to find out what decisions worked and what to look out for when trying to save a company during a strong economic downturn. The resulting findings are as follows; a builder should put more money into their product, be sure to protect the business’s credit and reputation, stay aggressive with pricing against competitors and the market, push focus on projects that will keep production during the downturn, and have a team willing to be adaptable with their roles.
