College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Phil Barlow, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


Colleges, universities and other educational institutions are always looking to improve their learning environments in order to provide students with the best resources, so that they can get the best education. This idea of improving learning environments not only applies to higher education but should be applied to primary education, especially for younger children. Young children should have a learning environment that they can actively engage with that can help them become more creative. This project aims to create a new environment for preschoolers that can allow them to interact with to test their cognitive skills and to give the preschoolers a creative space to learn. It was decided to design a music wall for the Cal Poly Preschool Learning Lab that the preschoolers could interact with. The music wall was to have musical instruments attached to the wall that could be easily removed, rearranged and replace to accommodate the changing needs of the preschool. The project was also to be attached to a pre-existing wooden deck and wooden fence. This paper describes how the project was initially incepted, the development and design process of the project, the final project design and lessons learned throughout the process.

Senior Project Poster.pdf (9563 kB)
Poster Board

Student Evaluation Form - Heuchert.pdf (109 kB)
