College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Eric Brinkman, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


This study looks at how to increase diversity and inclusivity in the Cal Poly Construction Management Department. It is becoming increasingly important to promote diversity and inclusivity not just in the classroom, but also in the workforce. It is important for the Cal Poly CM program to put more of an emphasis on trying to create a more a diverse major and acknowledge the importance of having inclusivity and diversity in the major. This project researched ways in which other universities have used different methods to increase diversity and create a more inclusive culture on their campus. This research was done to find action items to be applied to California Polytechnic University Construction Management Department, since this major is lacking in diversity and an inclusive environment. This project also includes a survey that was conducted to evaluate what the current students of department think about the current climate and if they want to see a shift towards a more diverse and inclusive environment. The survey also evaluates what courses and topics they would like to see as modules in specific CM courses. The results of the survey show the majority of current students want a course offered in the curriculum on diversity, whether it is modules incorporated into a class or a separate elective that fulfills a requirement. The survey found that the most important topic to be discussed is Diversity in the Workforce.

Miriam Robles Poster Board.pdf (242 kB)
Poster Board
