
The compressive behavior of portland cement concrete with vitrified soil coarse aggregate is the focus of this paper. A total of 10 batches of concrete were examined at four different coarse aggregate volume fractions with three different combinations of vitrified and natural coarse aggregates. For comparison purposes, the ratios of cement, water, and fine aggregates were held constant. The stress-strain curves, modulus of elasticity, compressive strength, and Poisson's ratio are examined as a function of coarse aggregate content. Results show a decrease in compressive strength as the volume fraction of vitrified soil aggregate increased. Moduli of elasticity for concrete with vitrified soil aggregate are considerably higher than concrete with natural aggregate. The Hirsch-Dougill model is extended and applied to a three-phase material to predict the modulus of elasticity of concrete with natural and vitrified soil aggregates.


Civil and Environmental Engineering



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