
Over the past 20 years , a variety of alternative, and in many cases innovative, technologies have been proposed for use in waste management systems. If alternative technologies are to be adopted they must, 1) be technologically feasible, 2) minimize the use of energy and resources, 3) maximize the recovery of the energy and nutrients contained in wastewater, 4) be cost-effective, and 5) not be unnecessarily disruptive of the existing order in their implementation. Although a number of the proposed technologies have met some or all of these requirements , few of them have been widely adopted. The principal reason that they have not been accepted more readily is that they were never incorporated into or presented in the context of an integrated waste manageπlent system. It is the purpose of this paper to present and document a workable integrated system for waste management for intermediate and small communities involving the use of several new technologies. The technologies to be considered in this analysis are all currently under development and study at the University of California at Davis. It is the objective of this paper to stimulate further discussion on the subject of alternative technology and its potentials.


Civil and Environmental Engineering



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