College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Biomedical and General Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Biomedical Engineering



Primary Advisor

David Clague


Precision Systems' Micro-Osmette located in the St. Jude Lab at Cal Poly SLO is a freezing-point depression osmometer capable of measuring the osmolality, the concentration of hydrated species in osmoles per-kilogram of water, with unrivaled speed and accuracy. The Osmette could be used extensively by students in a wide variety of applications if students are able to become acquainted with the device in an accelerated manner. The amount of time required to safely and effectively operate the micro-Osmette using the operator's manual provided with the device is prohibitive of widespread use by students. Revisions and improvements to the existing operator's manual has the potential to significantly increase the utility of this device; as well as it's use by students.
