Date of Award


Degree Name

MS in Forestry Sciences


Natural Resources Management


College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences


Walter Mark

Advisor College

College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences


Fusarium circinatum (Nirenberg & O'Donnell) or pitch canker, has the potential to have a tremendous impact on the economies which depend on the harvest and refined processing of Pinus radiata (D.Don) saw/”fiber” logs. This negative financial impact is compounded with environmental implications. These reasons are why Chile, New Zealand, and Australia, the principal producers of exotic Pinus radiata have entered into a coalition under ENSIS with the title of the IMPACT project (Balocchi et al., 1999). The field trial associated with the IMPACT project was located at Swanton Pacific Ranch; Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s Ranch in Davenport, California. Soil moisture and lesion lengths, non-native origin, both macro (national) and micro (tree breeder) were correlated with survival. Due to a natural drainage and a wet winter, high soil moisture had a negative impact on survival in the establishment phase. Lesion length also correlated with survival, the longer the lesion length found in Phase I, the more likely the stock would have a poor survival rate. It was also theorized by observations made during propagation, by Annie Mix and Dr. DetLev Vogler that the seed’s origins and sub origins affected their survival during propagation and could potentially affect the survivorship in the field trial. Each of the participating nations employs various seed collection, storage and pollination methods which could explain some differences in survivorship. The evaluation that resulted from this research based on Origin and Sub origin supported that hypothesis. With all of these inherent factors, before resistance conclusions can be made, the overall validity of the comparison must be determined.

AppendixA.xps (1216 kB)
Appendix A

Appendix A1.xps (73 kB)
Appendix A1

Appendix A2.xps (74 kB)
Appendix A2

Appendix A3.xps (73 kB)
Appendix A3

Appendix A4.xps (73 kB)
Appendix A4

Appendix A5.xps (73 kB)
Appendix A5

Appendix B.xps (108 kB)
Appendix B

AppendixC.xps (87 kB)
Appendix C

Appendix D.xps (360 kB)
Appendix D

Appendix_E.pdf (379 kB)
Appendix E

Appendix F.xps (560 kB)
Appendix F
