"Perceptions of Herbal Remedies among California Polytechnic University" by Maria Cacciatore, Kimmie Layland et al.

Department - Author 1

Social Sciences Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Anthropology and Geography



Primary Advisor

Dawn Brown Neill


Many practitioners now recognize that herbal remedies can be an effective and natural alternative to the standard American, western biomedicine. The objective of our research project is to discover the perceptions about herbal remedies as alternative medicine among Cal Poly students. Specifically we ask, why are they chosen and how students gauge their effectiveness. We seek to see if students have experimented with these herbal remedies, why they chose this route for wellness, and how they value the use of herbal alternative. If we are successful in this project, we will have a greater understanding of how young educated adults perceive this growing field in medicine.
