College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration



Primary Advisor

Jeffrey A. Jacobs


Special events and festivals, within the past few decades, have become increasingly popular. Now, more than ever, there is a desire and need for new companies to emerge into the industry in order to offer special events and lifelong memories to attendees. On October 9, 2011, Tap It Brewing CO, in San Luis Obispo, California, launched their first annual OkTapItfest event. The purpose of this study was to assess attendee satisfaction and the opinion of importance of event characteristics of the OkTapItfest at Tap It Brewing CO. The data collected from this study indicated that the 31 subjects were dissatisfied with the food, music, price of event, check in, and heard about OkTapItfest mainly from tasting at the brewery, or by word of mouth. The conclusion and recommendations were designed to help Tap It Brewing CO. with enough information to assist their planning efforts to improve the future OkTapItfests, or any other type of events held at the brewery.
