College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Materials Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Materials Engineering



Primary Advisor

Trevor Harding, College of Engineering, Materials Engineering Department

Additional Advisors

Leslie Hamachi, College of Science and Mathematics, Chemistry Department


Wood swells and shrinks causing problems with seasonal humidity. Applying thick coatings of reactive finishes based on cross-linked polyurethane, epoxy, or polyesters can slow moisture-vapor exchange. However, the use of thick coatings leads to cracking and crazing sooner than thin finishes. This research proposes the addition of 3.3 mol % triazabicyclodecene, a conventionally used covalent adaptable network catalyst, in a commercially available polyester-based wood coating. The self-healing of the wood coating is tested using DMA stress relaxation and compression molding. The result from DMA renders inconclusive and compression molding indicates the novel wood coating oxidizes at elevated temperatures. The wood coating thus shows no substantial evidence of self-healing and bond rearrangement. The durability of the wood coating was subsequently tested using QUV artificial weathering. Ultimately the films show significant yellowing after exposure to UV. Using DSC and FTIR the wood coating also exhibits poor thermal and chemical stability. Overall the formulation of a novel self-healing outdoor wood coating is unsuccessful. However, CANs still show much promise for use in self-healing outdoor wood coatings.
