College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Journalism Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Journalism



Primary Advisor

Tony Prado, College of Liberal Arts, Journalism Department


The ongoing movement away from linear television (broadcast and cable) towards connected TV (streaming services) has boosted popularity amongst streaming services greatly. Since the inception of the streaming services, sports have remained a linear TV attraction. However, the continued evolution of this transition has reached a tipping point characterized by rapidly intensifying competition between streaming platforms for sports programming. The “streaming wars'' will drive an increase in the overall value of sports media rights and fundamentally alter sports programming consumption behavior. Popular streaming services continue to bid for the rights to broadcast sports games. This paper will examine trends in sports viewership and sports media rights deals and investigate the underlying drivers in order to illuminate the likely pathways for the future of sports programming.

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Business Commons
