Department - Author 1

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Industrial Engineering



Primary Advisor

Robert Crockett


This project addresses the need to digitize Senior Projects available on microfiche at the Cal Poly Robert E. Kennedy Library. Microfiche is an outdated document archival medium and is unfamiliar to most students, making Senior Project research inconvenient and frustrating to students. To make this process easier and more accessible to students, the University Library should consider digitizing its Senior Project collection and improving the current system in the mean time.

The Six Sigma DMAIC method was used to discover root cause problems of the current system, define performance metrics, and to develop data driven solutions for improving the current system of viewing and saving Senior Projects on microfiche. From this analysis, a new User Guide and visual aids were designed to help students navigate the microfiche reader machines and scanning software. Digitization opportunities were also analyzed in this study by examining student usage and Senior Project usage by year, contacting vendors for quotes, and investigating in-house digitization through digitization on demand. Based on the various alternatives, it was recommended to digitize Senior Projects in-house through a process called digitization on demand – where Senior Projects on microfiche are scanned and uploaded to the University Library’s digital Senior Project database (DigitalCommons@CalPoly) as students use the Senior Projects. This is the most affordable alternative, and will help immediately digitize frequently used Senior Projects, as well as give the University Library a much clearer idea of its digitization challenges and requirements for future digitization purposes.
