
Andrew Morris is a doctoral student in modern Chinese history at University of California, San Diego. In October, 1994 he presented a paper entitled "The Republic of Taiwan and the Failure of Qjng Centralization," at the Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Claremont, California. By the time this issue of the Joumaal is published, he will have presented another paper, "'Mastery Without Enmity': Tiyu (Athletics) in Early Republican China," at the West Coast Graduate Conference in Modern Chinese History, Berkeley, California, in April 1995.. Morris says, What I hoped to do in this paper was to show, in as graphic manner as possible, the concern of the Communist state far the most personal of details in driving the Chinese nation towards the singular goal of modernity in the Great Leap Forward. Public health and agricultural production campaigns both were based, very literally, in the excrement of the people of China. Comprehensive programs of mobilization and modernization could leave no stone unturned, and have tried to examine the ways in which state organs attempted to transform basic habits of daily life into acts of explicitly political and national significance."



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