

Degree Name

MS in Fire Protection Engineering


College of Engineering


Frederick Mowrer and Christopher Pascual


This report includes a fire protection and life safety analysis for the Art ‘n Motion building. This analysis was done to fulfill the requirement for the Master of Science Degree in Fire Protection Engineering from California Polytechnic State University. The Art ‘n Motion building is two (2) stories, approximately 17,720 sqft, and is Type III-B construction. The building’s primary use is a vehicle showroom business where multiple exotic and antique vehicles are on display, and can be bought and sold. The building is also used as a home base for a NASCAR team, that operates out of the garage area located on the 1st floor. This analysis consists of a prescriptive-based analysis and performance-based analysis.

The prescriptive-based analysis found that the egress and life safety, fire suppression, fire alarm, and structural fire protection features of the building meet the respective code requirements. The prescriptive analysis also included an enhanced design of the fire sprinkler and fire alarm system. These enhanced designs are not required, but could be used to aid in a new design if needed. The building was found to be compliant in the egress and life safety aspects and had adequate exits, exit separation, and travel distances. The building was found to meet the structural and building code requirements that come with the Type III-B construction and Group B and S-1 occupancies.

A performance-based analysis was conducted to evaluate the Art ‘n Motion building by specifying fire safety objectives and determining if those objectives are achieved for specific fire hazards that could occur in the building. The main objective for the performance-based analysis is the life safety of the building occupants. For the performance-based analysis two (2) different design fire scenarios were created and input into FDS and analyzed.

The Design Fire #1 analysis consists of a fire resulting from a pool of gasoline, both with containment and without containment. The pool fire with containment, and pool fire without containment resulted in an event with a high hazardous impact to the occupants, with the pool fire without containment being a catastrophic event. Both scenarios had a result of significantly lower ASET than RSET. It is recommended that Art ‘n Motion does not allow any fuel to be present in showroom and general public areas. Art ‘n Motion should display the cars with empty fuel tanks and if any fueling operation are to take place it should be done outside of the building.

The Design Fire #2 analysis consists of a car fire that has been controlled by the sprinkler system and has a capped heat release rate. Design Fire #2 was shown to be a hazardous event, but resulted in an ASET greater than RSET. Design Fire #2 analysis also consists of a car fire with no sprinkler activation to determine the required spacing of cars to prevent adjacent car fires and a cascading event. The analysis showed that at approximately 1.5 meters spacing the adjacent car would not ignite. It is recommended that Art ‘n Motion add an additional safety factor of 50% to the 1.5 meters, and space the cars in the showroom at 2.25 meters, or 7 feet 6 inches, apart.

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Final Presentation



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