College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Electrical Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Electrical Engineering

College - Author 2

College of Engineering

Department - Author 2

Electrical Engineering Department

Degree - Author 2

BS in Electrical Engineering



Primary Advisor

Wayne Pilkington, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department


With the onset of the post-pandemic virtual classroom world, more and more classes are attempting hybrid-style instruction. To accomplish that, recordings of lectures are widely used, with presentation-sharing & audio recording capability. However, video recordings of lectures, with the ability to see the board, lab equipment, and the professor, are the optimal way to give the virtual students the best experience. Right now, technology is readily available for static camera recordings of lecture halls, but this may not suffice when it comes to larger lecture halls and lab demonstrations, where directed shots of equipment or the whiteboard are needed in a timely fashion. The Poly CamTracker solves these problems by providing means to track and record the instructor during lectures, as they move around the classroom, writing on whiteboards or using lab equipment. The device accomplishes this by allowing the user to choose a color for the camera to track and find the object of interest. The two axes of freedom on the camera mount allow the tracker to adjust the azimuth and elevation angles of the camera and track the area of interest as it moves both horizontally and vertically. The tracker’s range of motion is approximately 100 degrees for both the azimuth and elevation axes. The utilization of the Poly CamTracker extends past use in the classroom, too. Apart from its prototyping possibilities, the tracker could be used by places of worship to record or live stream religious activities. Classrooms/lecture halls, laboratories, and religious gatherings in churches and the like all greatly benefit from the ability to record their meetings with a wide field of view, which the CamTracker uniquely offers. The Poly CamTracker is able to track 7 different colors in regular to high brightness, with a range of motion as described above. It has been tested in lecture hall/classroom environments, where the device is able to follow the user’s shirt color effectively
