College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Electrical Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Electrical Engineering



Primary Advisor

Siavash Farzan, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department


BattleBots is a popular robot combat sport where engineers from all over the world design and construct a robot with the aim to disable or impair the opposing robot. The Cal Poly Gen 2 BattleBot aims to complete a robot from scratch with hopes to compete in the official competition. This report focuses on the electronic design behind the robot, specifically the printed circuit board (PCB) and component selection. The design process of this project involved choosing specific motors and microcontrollers based on cost, efficiency, and benefits with the end goal of a complete printed circuit board (PCB). Brushed motors were chosen for the drivetrain due to their ease of interface with the RoboClaw motor driver. Brushless motors were chosen for the weapon system with their superior speed and torque characteristics. The ESP32 microcontroller was chosen due to cost, Bluetooth capability, and communication interfaces. The PCB design evolved iteratively, incorporating features such as voltage regulation, safety control circuits, and motor control mechanisms. The testing plan validated the PCB’s functionality and safety and worked to ensure the functionality of motor control. The final electrical system was successfully integrated with mechanical and software systems, contributing to a fully operational BattleBot. This project demonstrates the successful applications of electrical engineering principles to the design and implementation of a complex robotic system.
