
The Modern Movement ideals of transformation and progress coincided with the national spirit and zeitgeist of the 1930s Estado Novo in Brazil. Despite a persistent conflict between distinct urbanist views a progressive approach of urbanism became eventually predominant. Its strong impact on urbanist manifestations reached its climax with the construction of Brasilia. This paper explores some negative aspects of the modern legacy in Brazilian urbanism, but by acknowledging that Modern Movement ideals helped to establish a great sense of social consciousness and promoted a common aim, also the creation of a particular identity is recognized. By strengthening local elements of identity the perverse aspects of contemporary globalized culture may effectively be attenuated; an excellent reason why we must not neglect our modern legacy.


Urban, Community and Regional Planning

Publisher statement

Journal Website: http://www.docomomo.com.



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/crp_fac/25