College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Communication Studies Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BA in Communication Studies



Primary Advisor

Leslie Nelson, College of Liberal Arts, Communication Studies Department


Utilizing the Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979), the present podcast seeks to explore and understand how individuals with intersectional identities in the Latinx/e community communicate their identity to others in the Latinx/e community and society. Research in the fields of Ethnic Studies, Psychology, Education, and Communication focuses on issues and identities in the Latinx/e community. Much existing research focuses heavily on intersectionality, and the podcast will seek to do the same. These intersections of identities can conflict or be perceived as in conflict. This creates a gray area in the spectrum between interpersonal and intergroup interactions. Some examples of this research include Latinx/e representation in media, media effects, institutional issues in English language learning programs, and queerness in Latinx/e communities.
