
For the past sixteen years the Collaborative Agent Design Research Center (CADRC) at the California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), San Luis Obispo has pursued the design and development of agent-based decision-support systems. Throughout this journey the CADRC has relied on a suite of development tools that greatly assist in the creation and management of such systems. This suite of tools is known as the Integrated Cooperative Decision-Making (ICDM) software development toolkit.

Not only does ICDM function as an accelerator (i.e., rapid development) and stabilizer (i.e., built-in robustness and fault tolerance) in the development of decision-support systems, but it also provides a concrete vehicle for representing the key concepts and philosophies that the CADRC has found to be useful for the success of these types of systems (Pohl et. al., 2000; Pohl, 1997). This paper focuses on the key design principles on which ICDM is founded; namely, collaboration-intensive, context-based representation, flexibility and adaptability, and multi-tiered, multi-layered architecture.


Software Engineering



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/cadrc/63