College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

BioResource and Agricultural Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in BioResource and Agricultural Engineering



Primary Advisor

Daniel J Howes


In order to improve on farm irrigation, a water scheduling program specific to the needs of Imperial Valley farmers will be created. The program will help keep track of daily water schedules, as well as stay connected with the farm personnel to reduce error and save time. The program will help with on farm operations and productivity by allowing the famer, irrigation foremen, and secretary to view the same schedule simultaneously. The information that is inputted into the program will be editable by all the chosen personnel, to keep everyone on the same page. Weekly, monthly, or yearly usage reports will be easily created from data stored in the database section of the program allowing the farm to compare their estimated water usage against their bills from the irrigation district. There are several programs available for record keeping that are specific to farming operations, however, currently there is no water management software available that quickly and effectively manages a water schedule specific to each farmer’s needs.
