
Zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH) is designed to increase carcass leanness, chilled side weight (CSW), and percent saleable yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a single dose of ZH on cutability and subprimal yield of calf-fed Holstein steers when fed for increasing durations. Two hundred forty steers were fed 8.3 mg/kg of ZH on a DM basis for 0, 20, 30, or 40 d, with a 3-d withdrawal before slaughter. After slaughter, steers were fabricated into 4 pieces (round, loin/flank, rib/plate, and chuck), packaged in combos, shipped to 2 locations, and further fabricated into subprimal pieces and trim. Trim was collected from each primal and separated into groups based on composition of 90, 80, and 50% lean. Zilpaterol hydrochloride increased (P = 0.01) CSW by 6.22 kg and saleable yield by 6.4 kg when included in the diet for 20 d. Furthermore, saleable yield as a percentage of CSW was increased (P = 0.03) 1.18 percentage units when included in the diet for 20 d. Steers fed ZH for 20 d had heavier strip loins (4.47 vs. 4.12 kg, P = 0.02), tenderloins (2.75 vs. 2.49 kg, P = 0.02), and ribeye rolls (5.74 vs. 5.30 kg, P = 0.01) than steers not fed ZH. These advantages are further demonstrated as a percentage of CSW. Strip loins (P = 0.06), tenderloins (P = 0.04), and ribeye rolls (P = 0.04) of ZH-fed steers had a greater percentage of CSW than controls. Zilpaterol hydrochloride also increased the percentage of CSW of the 3 primary components of the round when fed for 20 d. The knuckle was 0.10 percentage units heavier (P = 0.11), the top round was 0.24 percentage units heavier (P = 0.04), and the bottom round was 0.22 percentage units heavier (P = 0.03) in ZH-fed steers when compared with steers not fed ZH. Based on these data, it can be concluded that ZH significantly increased sub-primal cutting weights, yields, and percentage saleable yield of calf-fed Holstein steers when fed for at least 20 d before slaughter. Zilpaterol hydrochloride increased percentage of CSW of subprimal cuts from Holstein steers in the round and to a lesser degree in the loin.


Animal Sciences



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