College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Architectural Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Architectural Engineering



Primary Advisor

Richard Jackson, College of Liberal Arts, Theatre and Dance Department


Engineering and theatre are disciplines not often associated with each other within regional and small theatre companies in the United States. The distinction between the two fields of study is not simply from the fundamental differences between how each field is taught and practiced, but also the difficulties encountered within a scope of theatre often constrained with limited budget and time for each production. However, when beginning to explore the intersection between engineering and theatre, it is found that the empirical nature of current theatrical practices can be countered, and scenic design and construction can be re-envisioned with engineering involvement in theatre. This engineering support can provide theatrical professionals with more confidence regarding the safety of scenic elements along with the opportunity to push the limits of theatre design. Through past experiences with many productions, discussions with professionals in both fields, and additional online research, it is concluded that seeking engineering consulting, developing engineering applications for theatrical uses, and learning from the established textbook Structural Design for the Stage by Holden, Alys E., et al. all are ways to utilize engineering in theatre practices. Ultimately, the involvement of engineering should be considered and explored to enhance a regional theatre’s production process from design to the stage.
