College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Architectural Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Architectural Engineering



Primary Advisor

Kevin Dong, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Architectural Engineering Department


Journeyman International, also known as JI, is a non-profit organization that groups together design and construction students with organizations looking to build humanitarian projects around the world. This pairing is beneficial for both the organization because they get free design and construction expertise, as well as for the students who get real-world experience. The Take Heart School is a planned school and grounds for the region of Migori Kenya. Take Heart Africa is a fair trade store with all profits going to help the impoverished communities of Kenya. The three-acre site will have a school with eight classrooms, offices, a library, a cafeteria, and housing for students and visitors. It is located near a small village which it is intended to serve. The design team included Janelle Tatari, a Cal Poly Architecture student, who completed the architectural work for the twelve buildings. Spencer Mishky, a Cal Poly Construction Management student, did the construction development work. David Corona, a Cal Poly Architectural Engineering, designed the structural system for the eight classroom school building. As well as myself who designed the structural system for the library and office building. Throughout this process, I was advised by ARCE professor Kevin Dong. The project was completed over the course of the 2020/2021 school year with the majority of the architectural design being completed in the fall and winter, and the structural and construction design being completed in the spring. This report will focus on the research, assumptions, structural design process, and lessons learned from the design experience.
