College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Agribusiness Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Wine and Viticulture



Primary Advisor

Marianne Wolf, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, Agribusiness Department


This study was done in order to determine if there is a demand in California for wines originating in the Eastern European Country of Georgia. A survey was used in order to collect primary data from 100 respondents in two locations. The surveys were conducted in Pleasanton, CA and in San Luis Obispo, CA and were later analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2008. The data was analyzed using chi square tests, independent t-tests as well as observed frequencies and charts. The tests were used to determine demographic data about California wine consumers and to measure their interest in wines from Georgia.

From the data collected, two groups were found in wine consumers. The first group was respondents under the age of 35, while the second group was those over the age of 35. The older age group was determined to be more interested in certain characteristics when purchasing wine, and was more likely to buy a wine from the country of Georgia.

This study could be used by others to help understand the wine industry and consumer wants. For foreign import countries like Georgia this study may be very helpful in understanding how consumers in California choose wines and why they would be either likely or unlikely to purchase new and unique wines.
