College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Agribusiness Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Agricultural Business



Primary Advisor

William Amspacher, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, Wine and Viticulture Department


When purchasing a bottle of wine, the label is the consumer’s first impression. Previous research about how different target markets react to label design and information cues have proven to have significant differences. This study was undertaken to determine how men and women view these features and cues differently. An online survey was submitted to 100 potential respondents with 69 surveys returned for analysis. Various statistical data analysis was conducted and the results are presented in this report. There was a significant difference across the genders for a label that “is colorful” and for an “organic” information cue. It is concluded in this report that although the statistical findings were not in unison with previous research, the results still present useful marketing information. It is recommended that the survey conducted be done again with a larger sample size and in a larger demographical area.

Included in

Agribusiness Commons
